Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Illinois Family Institute: They're All Gonna Laugh At You

The cult going by the name Illinois Family Institute is FREAKING out!

If you listen to all the NO voting representatives, they were talking about the scriptures, bibles or Jesus.

God does not have a voter registration card in the state of Illinois.  He doesn't pay taxes.  God is not just Jesus.  Jesus was not a white guy, speaking english.  Nothing says that Jesus never had sex with anyone.  No where does it say that he never had sex with another man.  In fact, it talks about how Jesus used to greet other men with a kiss.

As for the bible in all this, it is not the law.  The bible is not the law anywhere on the planet.  In fact, marriage is defined by the states or by a country.  Countries are run by government governed by constitutions.
If you want to look at history and oppressive empires run by religion, look to the Spanish Inquisition or the Church of England for examples of ruling by religious oppression.

Even the Pope is abandoning the Catholic protocol of hating gays.  Cardinal Francis George needs to realize that he is steering his flock in the wrong direction.  The history books and museums will boldly post that he was similar to those who conducted the Spanish Inquisition.

Go ahead and pass the discriminatory clauses of SB 10 Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.  We will have that inclusive discrimination ruled unconstitutional and struck down in court.  Religion has no place in government.

What we all need to work on is the Freedom From Religion Act.  It should be structured so that laws cannot be influenced by religion.  As with marriage equality battle here, religious cults were influencing members.  Hence the sad "Where's the bible?" blather after the bill is passed.  It should further include that religious leader cannot take political office or they must abstain from any religious influence or applications during their tenure.  Otherwise, they are severely taxed in their congregation.  As we have seen Cardinal Francis George calling and influencing this political process.  The Catholic Church should have ALL its property assessed and taxed for direct involvement with the workflow of this bill.

Clearly, Muslim people should not be forced to laws created while legislators are under the influence of Jesus.  Illinois Family Institute members made it clear that they think that Mohammed was a pedophile.  That the holy bible is the only word of God.  Every word is "perfect".

So, to all the whining idiots (who look as pathetic as those who voted for Mitt Romney and were shocked when he lost to Obama) do us all a huge favor.  Shut up.  Move on.  We will not let your heterosexual marriages and divorces effect our gay marriages.

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