Wednesday, October 30, 2013

IFI : the cult

Today, things like CULTS are something that you see only in the movies or in remote locations like Waco, Texas.
You would never think that a cult could be in your own backyard.  Guess what, they could be right next door.  The people look just like everyone else.
Until you talk to them.  Then you can clearly see that something is off with these people.
Illinois Family Institute is a cult according to the definition of cult found in Google.
Let's dissect this a bit.

"a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object"

They quote the bible and say they are devout to Jesus, however they show no love for their fellow man.  In fact, their agenda is the eradication of homosexuality through conversion therapy.  This is clearly and proudly displayed on their website.  Another figure is David E Smith, the Executive Director of this hate group.  The groups that we have run across have a strange sense of servitude to this leader.  It is a weird incestuous vibe when you are around them.

"a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister" 

How much more sinister could you be than to want to wipe out another group of people for the sake of your God.  They are not worshiping God, more like Satan when you are consumed with so much hate for others.  October 23, 2013 at a Prayer Rally for Defense of Marriage, one of the people approached our protest group and spouted his love for us and we have been injured.  He also said something that really nails this group as a hate group.  His exact recorded words were that "Mohammed was a pedophile".  This isn't about religion or love or sanctity of marriage, it was a KKK rally as a passerby stated.  This sick logic plays into a couple other items that are classic CULT red flags.

"a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing"

Again, the strange interpretation of Jesus and the bible as the law of the land.  They think that American law is all based on the bible.  In fact they claim that God defines marriage.  Everyone else with a brain knows that marriage is defined by the state.  That the Constitution is the basis for all laws, not the bible.  Separation of Church and State is clear.  Our founding fathers fled to escape the Church the England.  Today, we are facing the modern day version in trying to be free from these cults and not have laws influenced by these cults imposed upon us all.

In an article HOW TO IDENTIFY A CULT in the Christian Courier, there are even more checklist items for identifying a cult.

#3 The leader “is preoccupied with [raising] money.” There is always a need for increasing finances. New projects are ever in the planning. Members are strongly encouraged to greatly sacrifice for the leader’s current pet enterprise. There is little pressure let-up; members of the group must be kept revved up on a continual basis.

If you look at the IFI website, it is all about the money.  There is always a fund raiser on their website with yet another hateful speaker.  David E Smith doesn't even deny the fact that he is living off the money that he generates from seeding hate in small children.  At one of their recent fundraisers which was a walk-a-thon of hate, David was confronted by us with a sign showing his tax return and $85k he took as payment from the IFI coiffures.  David said that he could go work in the private sector, but did this full time.  When he was confronted to walk away from the cash in order for people to believe that he wasn't doing it just for the money, he just walked away.

#4 Polarized mentality, also known as us versus them.  
This is really evident.  They have all kinds of kooks in this group claiming some religious affiliations to skate out of paying taxes.  With IFI, the THEM is the gays, the Muslims and the democrats.  Plain and simple.  The March on Springfield for Marriage Equality drew all the right political people: the Governor, many of the legislator from both sides of the isle, the state attorney general.  IFI drew the politicians that no one pays attention to or are interested in.   Like Oberweis and Dillard.  Two delusionalists with big dreams and no way to make them come true.  Holding on to the IFI are only going to suck them into oblivion.  In a manner similar to Augustus Gloop in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Slllllllurp!

#5 Leader clearly anti-authoritarian disposition.  That has David E Smith written all over it.  He is one of these big government conspiry theory guys.  Obama is a muslim nonsense.  The bible is the governing document, not the constitution.  Interpretted and twisted into a mangled ball of sick Nazi nonsensical crap that only makes sense to the idiot brainwashed tribe that follows him.

 In short, there is not a single thing that the Illinois Family Institute does that is not a cult related activity.  Any politician that aligns themselves with this group are going to be swirling in the political toilet when marriage equality is passed in Illinois.  Tick tock, the time is upon us for marriage equality in Illinois.  What is David E Smith going to do for a living when the Gay Marriage Monster has taken over?  Get a real job.  Preaching the real word of God or follow the Satanic path he is already on and killing his flock Jim Jones style in our Midwestern state.  To be honest, who cares what happens to these bigoted people?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The March On Springfield: What's Next?

Veni, Vidi, Vici translates to We Came, We Saw and We Kicked Ass!
Tracy Baim, co-founder of the Windy City Media Group came to all those distressed this summer with the idea of the March.  She stayed the course and the vision came to life bigger and better than anyone expected.  Even with the rain.
One of the performers said that it wasn't raining, "it was rainbowing".  It was this type of positive energy that could be felt and was contagious throughout the crowd that was estimated over 3000 strong.
The right politicians were showing up to this historical event.  The Governor, the SB 10 bill sponsors, Attorney General and even Dick Durbin.

Lurking in the shadows and trying to mix in where creepers from the Illinois Family Institute, such as villainous David Norck.  Recording the event to come up with strategy on how to counter act logic and reason with moronic religious bullshit and lies that IFI is notorious for. 
This March was a class production.  Tracy and the cosponsors covered the gamete of the LGBTQS community.  Including many of the credible religous community.  Who truly preach that Love is Love.  Just like Jesus would have done 2000 years.
March around the capitol was just as inspiring.  People in office buildings across from the Capitol held up Pride flags and waved in excitement.
Chants like "Harris and Madigan, Don't make us sad again" could be heard far down the block and probably in the Capitol proper.

Notably missing from the entire event, Mike Madigan.  Really?  His daughter, Lisa, has bigger balls than he does.  Hey Mike, do your fucking job and pass this bill.  Your lips are moving that you support this, now put some action behind it to make it happen.  Lip service equates to lies when you don't even try.  GLN did a banner unfurl and whistle blow in the rotunda outside Madigan's office.  Remained inside his office.  No response.  Typical behavior of "No Show Mike".
What is next?  Demonstrations and protests through out the state.  Mainly people like Madigan, obviously.  New target is Oberweis.  Who sided with the reprobate IFI on the wrong side of history.
Jim Oberweis announced that he would be running against Dick Durbin for his senate seat.  I don't know who to laugh harder at, Oberweis or Dillard running for Governor.
Oberweis has a horrid record on immigrants and LGBTQ communities.  He is a huge blimp of a man who should consider losing a couple pounds so that Macy's doesn't think that one of their floats drifted away.
Isn't funny that homophobic men such as Oberweis, Chris Christie and David E Smith suffer from the sin of gluttony?

People should be calling their reps and schedule an appointment to meet them.  Tell them to pass this bill now!  If your rep refuses, gather a group to demonstrate at their office.  It freaks the bajesus out of them.  Make sure you tell them that LGBTQ community will run our own candidate against them that uses the constitution and not the bible to make laws.

If in doubt on how to protest, call or email us.  We would be happy to assist. :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Marriage and Family for All

Our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret) gave a great speech on Bisexual visibility and inclusion within human rights of Immigration Reform, Marriage and Marriage Equality at March on Springfield for Marriage Equality on October 22, 2013. After his speech, he met a daughter and mother who asked about the flag he wore. After all, they identified as bisexual as well who "knew a little Bisexual history." Oboza was so moved by their trust in him that he gave them his Bisexual flag. Because the day was historic and not only for Oboza.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Silent Protest, Biphobia

Our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret.) has researched some well known Public media to find little hope, still some hope toward confronting some main stream media about subtle biphobia.

Oboza explains, "Not only did Glee, a television show have a Biphobic episode called, 'Blame it on the Alcohol.' Yet, my favorite SVU, a television Crime drama also had a Biphobic episode considered their 'Down Low,' episode which depicted black men who have "relations with women and sex with men" assumed to be "that means gay." That episode also addressed HIV in an ignorant light."

Tired and burnt out from Bisexual radical activism for years confronting such biphobia, Oboza pleads again, "Why does some media and society assume anything about other people's lives? My acknowledged activism life's work suggestion is mind your own journey or ask respectful questions and be as open to the answers as you are with your own questions about other's truths and life. Until then, my television is off in silent protest. After all, everyone is different and deserves the same respect... That simple."

Friday, October 11, 2013

National Coming Out Day 2013

On October 11, 2013, National Coming Out Day, our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza visited the second revealing of Legacy Walk, a first LGBT outdoor museum. The best moment was youth joined in and read aloud the plaques of our LGBT history from Legacy Project Chicago.

Unspoken Biphobia

After Kate Millet, a pioneer feminist published her well known book, Sexual Politics in the 1970's, she came out bisexual. To her dismay, some radical lesbians began humiliating her with (a Dan Savage word) hostile discrimination while interagating her then calling her a copout. After all, she was lesbian once, why be honest with her truth now, embracing her bisexuality. Since it was o.k. to be lesbian then, our own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza suggests, "It is o.k. to be bisexual now." Millet later wrote her autobiography, Fying. In it she wrote, "Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with it's own bisexuality."

Yes... Lesbian biphobia, an unspoken biphobia exists even to this day.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Br. Michael's Early Day Biphobia

Before any reader may assume any senjority regarding who is more of less biphobic, our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza has agreed to share when he was biphobic toward "his own kind."

Oboza shares, "When I first came out bisexual, all I read was that only Bisexual women existed. As a Bisexual man, I was assumed "a phase." First, I lost my mind. Well, what was left of it after my suicide attempt from Internalized biphobia. Second, I began to become angry toward Bisexual woman regarding their "privilege" with uneducated words like "How dear they not stand up for us." Lastly, I got a friendly reality check from Paige, a Bisexual activist from Action Bi Women 1980's, Chicago who was also part of Bisexual Political Action Coalition, Queer Nation, Bisexual Network Chicago and Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago. Paige asked me, "What privilege do I have when I am objectified and sexualized, because I am an out Bi woman?" And she also "would appreciate it if I was more supportive, especially being bisexual myself." After I apologised, I was prepared to become a Bisexual radical, an all inclusive activist."

Yes... There is also inner community fighting or Bisexual biphobia. So, no one has more or less stock on biphobia including bisexuals.

Biphobia in the 54'th District

Our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret) spoke with Illinois representative Thomas Morrison about his thoughts and vote on Marriage Equality in Illinois. During talk, Morrison owns, "I oppose the bill, because it jeopardizes my Religious freedom." But, it is another reason that helps frustrate Oboza. Morrison assumes, "Bisexual individuals could argue they ought to be permitted to marry both sexes at the same time." Yes... Biphobia exists in the 54'th district. Even Straight biphobia, another psycological trauma for another sexual minority, bisexuals.

The 'Other' Biphobia

Often, according to early Dan Savage, a Gay Advice columnist, "Bisexuals don't exist. Look at the research!" To modern day, Savage, "It's ridiculous to suggest bisexuals coming out in 2013 face greater levels of hostility than gay and lesbian people..."

Well, according to our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret,) "That in itself is a level of hostility. And proves after all that Gay biphobia exists." By the way, has Savage read the 2011 Bisexual Invisibility report out of San Francisco? Or the 2012 UK Bisexuality report out of the UK? Because both show constant, transparent and evolved research showing Bisexuals struggle more than thier straight, gay and lesbian counterparts on a higher percentage on major life concerns.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Br. Michael's Movie Review

Oh... My Bi... Goodness. I watched a 2011 movie directed by Tom Tykwer entitled, 3. Yes. The number three is the title of this unapologetic movie. It is about Hanna and Simon who are married on the verge of divorce. After they both meet Adam and have seperate affairs, they keep their secrets from each other, until they all meet at once. The German love story with English subtitles is about the importance of being true to your own genuine substance through all life's possibilities. I recommend the movie, because I waited to the end of the movie and got it.... I found myself without the need to re-explain biology for a first time ever.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Another Important Outreach

On October 5, 2013, our very own Bisexual liaison, Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret.) outreached to Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago, an organization he founded in 2010 to remind them of March on Springfield Marriage Equality 2013. During visit, a debate occurred between him and it's president about different perceptions, intents and impacts regarding the importance or lack there of regarding Marriage Equality. Our liaison reminded people that marriage is a human right and even bisexuals are a part of all human rights especially marriage. Afterwards, people began to make plans to go help make history. Thank you Br. Michael C. Oboza (ret.) for your contributions to Marriage Equality in Illinois.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Boycott Sochi Sponsors: Life without McDonald's and Coke

You know, it's been hard for me to NOT eat at McDonald's and continuously stream Coke Zero through my digestive tract.  I have been on the road for the past 2 months and what comes as automatic, like a reflex, I had to adapt.

I refuse to support the sponsors of the Sochi Russia homophobic olympic games in 2014.  Russian legislature has imposed genocide on it's LGBTQ citizens.  Violence on LGBTQ reigns terror over that community that has been erased through a legal process.  Clearly a human rights violation.

On our website, you can see the video of what happened during the Olympics in Nazi Germany and how it is very similar in setting to today.  The International Olympic Committee is turning a blind eye to their own charter to move forward with these games in the hateful country.  Russia no longer qualifies to host these games under the charter.

Olympic sponsors: McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Procter and Gamble, VISA are a few who are going along with the ridiculous, money driven IOC.  Their open acknowledgement of the IOC's decision to comply with and continue on this disastrous course, is CONDONING the same "gay propaganda" laws are acceptable to their corporate charter.

While most of these sponsors are stating their corporate accolade on LGBTQ support about equality and diversity, it is all lip service.  You are a hypocrite when you say one thing and do something completely different to pad your pocket like the IOC.

Any one who lives on the road knows that McDonald's is a pretty safe place to avoid food poisoning.  They have healthy food despite their bad reputation for fat poisoning everyone.  They have salads, oatmeal and I was LOVIN' the egg white products they just started to offer.  Too bad for them that I have found alternatives to stopping by for a berry smoothie on my 3 hour drive to Madison.  It is called a gas station.  I now stop for Kashi bars and smoothies readily available.

Have I lost weight?  No.  I am still maintaining my slim, trim figure (pipe dream) finding may new places to eat.  Meeting new people and discovering new foods in the adventure.  Overall, positive experience dumping homophobic sponsor, McDonalds!

Next homocaust supporter, Coca-Cola.  Coke Zero was like water to me on the road.  I would grab two or three on long drives.  Water and tea are my preferred choices now.  Mountain Dew is now pretty much only when I need the caffeine jolt.  Soda intake has dropped significantly.

One note of caution.  Look at the label and see who bottled this stuff.  I got burned a couple times.  Here are some major Coca Cola Products in USA: Dasani water, Fanta, Powerade, Sprite, Flavored Cokes such as Cherry, Vanilla and many more, Barq’s Root Beer, Fresca, Mr. Pibb, Nestea, Minute Maid, Bacardi Mixers Fruitopia, TaB, Tahiti Treat, Mello Yello, Splice, & Mexican Coke.  Also Dasani water and Vitamin Water are products of this sponsor of Russian bloodshed.

Another solution is to by a friendly bottled water and buy flavoring.  Target and some truck stops have Mio flavors in a variety of flavors.  I'm sure overall, my body is appreciating the soda reduction.

Samsung is probably the biggest vendor that we have walked away from in our household.  TV's, cellphones and tablets have all been on our purchase list.  We won't even look at their products.  My partner had his Galaxy 4 for less than 48 hours and took it back in support of the boycott.  HTC makes great phones for Android.  Apple is still LGBT friendly.

Procter and Gamble can bite the big one too.  We have switched from Tide to Caldrea.  A bit more expensive and harder to find, but the quality is much better.  Both on clothes and on fabric.  Scent free options are All.  Never had an issue with this product.

Buyer beware.  Read the label, not only for the ingredients but who is manufacturing these things.  You don't want your money supporting hate groups or companies that are filtering your money to LGBTQ hate crimes like in Russia.

YOU DO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WORLD>>>>>IT STARTS WITH YOUR WALLET AND WHAT YOU PURCHASE!!!  Look at Barilla if you want to see how you can impact and devastate a company.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Br. Michael's Book Club

The 1995 book written by Peter M Newton entitled, Freud From Youthful Dreams To Mid-Life Crisis is busy in an interesting way. Along with many observations of Freud's life, the book has delightful historic letters from Dr. Sigmund Freud and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess.

The letters expose that Fliess was the first who discovered Universal bisexuality through scientific research as a biological given. Later on, through several exchanges, Freud steals Fliess's work to make it his own and calls someone else the "robber." Ironically, Freud shares a candid admission and apologies to Fliess in a last letter. Freud writes, "I evidently reproached myself dimly, as I do today in complete clarity, for my generosity or carelessness with your property." 

My Book review being this book is with hopes that readers no longer hold to any biphobia regarding Freud appearing untrustworthy, because we assume he'd sleep with anything that moves. I hope we see him for the apologetic thief he was regarding Fliess, a true patriarch.