Monday, September 30, 2013

Barilla and homophobic Russian Olympics

Everyone should look REALLY hard at the response the worldwide boycott has had on pasta giant Barilla. Guido Barilla near tears apologizing for his homophobic words.  "If gays don't like it, they can eat another pasta.". Not very good marketing strategy.
This whole incident should be labelled 'The Barilla Syndrome'.
This is what the sponsors of the Sochi Russia winter Olympics should be feeling.
When the Olympic sponsors are crying because they are boycotted, then and only then will the International Olympic Committee move these games.
McDonalds released today their new healthier menu.  Boycott it!  Coca Cola, Boycott it!  Samsung is releasing a new watch computer gizmo.  Boycott it!
Let them know any LGBTQ suffrage means we all suffer.
The IOC shows their hypocritical colors in turning a blind eye to their own charter.  Specifically section about nondiscrimination.
The end result is one incident, will ricochet around the world like an Italian homophobe blathering his hateful words.
However, chances are, a Russian incident will likely include bloodshed.  Olympic committee striping athletes medals because they are expressing who they are as people will be turned into a "political" statement.
Who does the Olympic committee think they are fooling at this point?  Let's face it, this is about cash and not Olympic spirit.
If it has Olympic rings on it stay away.  It doesn't look any better for the sponsors.
Does McDonald's want to end up with Coca Cola in Barilla-land right now?  We need to push on these Olympic sponsors in the same manner that everyone did with Barilla.
Everyday that a LGBTQ person has to remain silent because of legislation, is another day that the whole world suffers.

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