Monday, August 19, 2013

Olympic Sponsors of the Second Holocaust

Corporations are in damage control mode right now.  Many of these sponsors have, in the past had a great or excellent reputation for supporting LGBT and equality.  Now with millions about to be slung into a promotional nightmare, these companies are being pressured to do the right thing.

The holocaust began with rounding up the Jews, the homosexuals, the political dissidents and jailing them because they were being who they are.  Others who escaped, where pretending to be what they were not in order to just survive.

Sound hauntingly familiar?  LGBT people are being told that they cannot be whom they are.  They need to hide it.  Any public display of being gay or affectionate to the same sex, results in being jailed.

How much longer do we wait until the "ethnic cleansing" begins?  What method will they use to dispose of all this carnage?

Genocide has already begun.  The total eradication of a race of people because they are who the are.  Through legislation, the LGBT community no longer exists in Russia.  This is legislative induced GENOCIDE.

These sponsors have an obligation to HUMANITY to pressure the International Olympic Committee to do the right thing.  We cannot let these games move forward in Sochi.  They must find a new location that will allow everyone attending the games to be who they are.  If Russia chooses not to participate, that is their loss.  If they do compete, then they will see that people are people.  Discrimination works both ways.  When you seek to empower yourself through the oppression of a minority, eventually humanity will prevail.

The vendors that support these games should worry greatly about the loyal customers they have now.  They will buy other products.  Everyone of these supporter of homophobic games has a comparable competition that is about to get a lot more wealthier if these games proceed in Russia.

Word to the wise.  It is always better to walk away from a bad situation and lose money invested, than to lose your entire loyal customer base to save what you invested.  You will more likely NEVER regain the trust of those you have deserted.

Try as you might by using key words like "diversity".  We are not buying it at this point.  Tolerance is NOT diversity!!!  ACTIONS speak louder than the words you are using.


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