Thursday, June 13, 2013 Modern Day Nazi's or Homophobic Catholics?

Can you tell if this is a picture from Nazi Germany or Downtown Chicago Illinois?

Chicago is the scene here.  The resemblance between hate groups such as Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and Nazi Party are splitting hairs.

These are rogue Catholics who are counter-revolutionaries.  Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.  They believe that their version of Christianty should prevail through the crusade.Outright hatred of Islam is written in their website on their "XXI Crusade" tab.

Not very different from Hitler's only those of our blood can be countrymen.  Hence no Jews shall be citizens.
Aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.  Again looking to the TFP and IFI (Illinois Family Institute) doctrines, their philosophies are very similar: " safeguard and advance public morality consistent with Biblical Christianity."  They feel that they are doing the right thing to impose THEIR Biblical morality on the public.  Basically for our own good.  That would be to rid the community of homosexuals.

Their vision is only to have families who breed via one man one woman concept.  Their is no other family construct.  Single mothers and dads are thrown into the oven with the gays, as far as they are concerned.
In the case of the IFI, they are familiar with "dehomosexualization".  Having "former lesbians" as speakers.  You can no more be "dehomosexualized" than you can be forced to be "homosexualized".

What consistently is amazing is that legislators believe this crap.  Falling for the nonsense like it is acceptable or intelligent.

The visualization from TFP is very Medieval   Bagpipes, banners and draped in red sashes pushing their agenda of hate.  Many of the young men looking like part of the Aryan youth.
They don't even try to hide it in their philosophy.  They outright believe that war between Islam and Christians is acceptable.  The Crusade is part of life.
"Medieval Crusaders shed their blood to free the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish a Christian kingdom in the Holy Land."
What is is going to take for Illinois House members to get on board with the fact that their job is to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States?  Providing equal protection under the law.  NOT THE BIBLE.

1 comment:

  1. A good answer to the "1 man + 1 woman" creed is to chant "900 wives! 900 wives!" "God approved David having 900 wives. Read your bible!"

    When their own holy text puts the lie to their words, what can they say?

    "Save marriage - end divorce!" seems to bring a sense among their ranks of the ridiculousness of it all. If they really wanted to save marriage, they would work to save individual marriages that are in trouble.

    "Equal rights for all!" can resonate when people of color are present.

    One little chap at their downtown demo holding a sign "Traditional Marriage" seemed a bit downcast when he heard "Traditional marriage - 900 wives! Traditional marriage - 900 wives!"

    What they need to learn are the individual biblical facts that make their slogans lies.

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