Saturday, January 4, 2014

Utah: Government Sponsored Discrimination

How does it feel to live in a place where the Governor and State openly hates you?
Do you want to know who is truly behind the high suicide rates of gay teens in places like Utah?  The state and the people who run it.

There is nothing like siting a 10 year old vote on a ban in which the countries attitude has shifted.  Where your own Governor stands before a nation and degrades you, your relationship and your family.  The state attorney general promoting homophobia sending hate mail to the Supreme Court that your an "affront" to the entire state and its citizens.

It has to be painful to wake up and pay taxes in a state that pays the salaries of this governmental hate group and the church that runs it.

I wonder how the Mormon Church, Governor Gary Herbert, or Attorney General Reyes would feel if they woke up and their marriages were expendable at the discretion of the general public. That every Mormon union was an AFFRONT to the state and all its citizens.  That Governor Herbert woke up to be an abomination because of his family.

Isn't the Mormon Church loosely affiliated with Christianity?  I think so.  Isn't there some thing about "love thy brother" and "treat others how you want to be treated"?

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Governor Herbert, AG Reyes and the Mormon Church following Hitler in history by maintaining power by publicly repressing a minority group.  This corrupt self empowerment will lead to their painful, catastrophic end.  For even the Catholic Church has realized that they will cease to exist if it didn't do a redirect.

History repeated in Utah.  Very similar to the Spanish Inquisition and it took the GOVERNMENT to take down the tyrannical religious zealots and restore order.

Utah follows in the dark side of history.  The internet forever recording and displaying the names of the people who would use their own government to repress them.  Governor Herbert, Attorney General Reyes and the Mormon Church.  R.I.P.

Picture from blog about a Utah road sign.  Why would anyone want to visit there?

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